Jerk Chicken is a colloquial Caribbean favorite. Jerk Chicken is essentially a grilled, braised or stewed spiced chicken. There are multiple variations of the spice mixture, but mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, thyme, salt, chilies, and allspice are common. Jerk Chicken like chili, gumbo and potato salad has many authoritative recipes asserting to be authentic. What was found to be common among the variations was a savory, deep flavored aromatic chicken dish. What's been presented here is a basic recipe that can be successfully employed by home cooks.
Step 1: The Chicken
Step 2: The Jerk
This is where the variation and, often the fear comes in. The choices of spices can be overwhelming. McCormick makes a pre-maid Jerk Seasoning which is very good. For the more adventurous a basic Jerk seasoning ensemble for four pounds of chicken would be 1/2 teaspoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of allspice, 2 teaspoons of sugar, a teaspoon of thyme or poultry seasoning, a teaspoon of black pepper, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of nutmeg, a half teaspoon of marjoram, and the amount of red pepper flakes deemed necessary. Using your hands rub the chicken with the spice mixture. Refrigerate it for 2 hours at a minimum and overnight at a maximum. The more chicken you use the longer you should give the rub to work its magic.
Step 3: Slow Cooking

Assemble the chicken in a single layer in a slow cooker. Cook on low for six to eight hours. If you don't have a slow cooker, cook in the oven in a sealed dutch oven for the same amount of time for at 200 degrees F. After 6-8 hours remove the chicken from the slow cooker or dutch oven and let it rest by placing the pieces on a sheet pan with a wire rack. If there isn't a wire rack available then simply place them on a sheet pan, or cookie sheet. The chicken will be moist, perhaps even soggy.
Step 4: Finishing
Place the cookie sheet in a 300 degree F oven for 30 - 45 minutes or until the chicken dries a little but not too much, you want it to be moist not dry. Remove it when the chicken is glossy, but still moist. There will be a wonderful aroma. What's happening is the sugars on the outside are caramelizing to get that signature sticky gooey sweet savory goodness of Jerk Chicken. Plate it up and enjoy.
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